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Shopping and Dining

Thanksgiving in Park City

October 8, 2018

Fall is finally upon us.  The weather has started to cool down and winter is right around the corner.  Each year it amazes me how  the year somehow flies by faster than the previous.  I feel like summer just started, but in reality, next month is already Thanksgiving.   Park City is known for celebrating holidays right, and Thanksgiving is no different. There are so many great reasons to come to Park City this time of year.

Cooking is not for you?Christmas dinner table with food at home in the living room

TI love Thanksgiving, and I love to cook, but that is not how everyone feels.  Thankfully, that is not a problem if you decide to come to Park City for this wonderful holiday.  There are several restaurants that remain open for this holiday and many actually do a special Thanksgiving meal.  Make sure to call ahead to make reservations though because these spots do tend to fill quickly. 

Lack of Crowds

Since ski season still will not be in full swing, this time of the year tends to be pretty calm.  There will be a lot less people around than in the full blown winter season. Plus, with the lack of crowds it will make it a great time to get into some of the best restaurants without a wait.  Spending time in Aspen during this time is great to get to all of your favorite shops and art galleries without needing to fight any form of a crowd. 

Specials for Tourists and Locals

While things are still quiet, many businesses will run specials and deals this time of the year to tourists and locals.  Many restaurants will offer certain specials this time of the year, and often many hotels will offer discounted rates during November and early December. 


No promises, but this time of the year tends to still be pretty mild.  The cold winter days will not be in store just yet during Thanksgiving.  This time of the year simply hints at the winter to come. You will still want to bundle up though, it does tend to stay pretty cold in the evenings this time of the year.  

Opening Weekendextreme freestyle ski jump with young man at mountain in snow park at winter season-1

One of the best parts of Thanksgiving weekend? Definitely that it officially opening weekend for the ski season.  Although terrain will still be pretty limited most likely, it is still amazing to be able to get in some early skiing.  For many, they really consider Thanksgiving a code for opening weekend. All we can do now is hope for snow!

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